Monday, November 3, 2008


Egyptian Pyramids have fascinated people for centuries. The wealth and beauty held inside has led some to turn to tomb raiding. What is so fascinating about these mounds of sand, and what monumental role did they play in Egyptian society. A tomb raider has broken into Khufu’s burial chamber. It is your team’s job to catch this tomb raider. Your team will consist of an archeologist, a laborer, Osiris, and an historian.

Tasks - In order to accomplish your task the following questions must be explored:

1. Describe Egypt’s first pyramid.
2. Why was so much effort put into the building of a pyramid?
3. What was the mummification process and why was it important?
4. Who were Osiris and Horus?
5. What did Khufu’s Tomb look like? (You will need to draw a floor plan of his tomb)
6. What valuables were buried with him and what was their significance?
7. Why did the tomb raider break into Khufu’s burial chamber?
8. Who is the Tomb Raider?


1. Meet with team member and decide each person’s role
2. Visit Links provided
3. Discover profiles of three suspects on the webpage
4. Team will organize and turn in an outline of oral presentation
5. Determine reliability of websites provided


As a guideline for this project students will print and follow rubric. This rubric will be used by the teacher to evaluate the group’s performance


Who did it? Well you might not have actually solved the mystery, but you did learn a great deal about the building and importance of pyramids in ancient Egyptian society. You also gathered information that allowed you to form an idea of what life was like for ancient Egyptians. Additionally you learned what to look for in a reliable source.